Physical education teacher during 12 years lives on its passion of the paragliding in Chamonix today
Trainer of the pole Hope of the Tops of France in Olympic windsurfing board
Skipper of Saï-Saï, sailboat with which he began a world tour in 2008
High mountain guide
Paragliding instructor
Ski instructor
Qualification canyon
Qualification SIV
Qualification ULM
Diver CMAS ***
Dive master PADI
Professional Skydiver
High mountain guide
Paragliding instructor
Ski instructor
Qualification canyon
Qualification paramotor
Test Pilot P.U.L
Professional Skydiver
She is also the creator of the clothing brand Et en + c’est vrai ! .
Physical education teacher during 12 years lives on its passion of the paragliding in Chamonix today
Trainer of the pole Hope of the Tops of France in Olympic windsurfing board
Skyppeur of Saï-Saï, sailboat with which he began a world tour in 2008
High mountain guide
Paragliding instructor
Ski instructor
Qualification canyon
Qualification SIV
Qualification ULM
Diver CMAS ***
Dive master PADI
Professional Skydiver
High mountain guide
Paragliding instructor
Ski instructor
Qualification canyon
Qualification paramotor
Test Pilot P.U.L
Professional Skydiver
She is also the creator of the clothing brand Et en + c’est vrai!
Physical education teacher during 12 years lives on its passion of the paragliding in Chamonix today
Trainer of the pole Hope of the Tops of France in Olympic windsurfing board
Skyppeur of Saï-Saï, sailboat with which he began a world tour in 2008
High mountain guide
Paragliding instructor
Ski instructor
Qualification canyon
Qualification SIV
Qualification ULM
Diver CMAS ***
Dive master PADI
Professional Skydiver
High mountain guide
Paragliding instructor
Ski instructor
Qualification canyon
Qualification paramotor
Test Pilot P.U.L
Professional Skydiver
She is also the creator of the clothing brand Et en + c’est vrai! .